CIS Rebate Calculator 2019-20 has been designed by Canalitix Accountants for CIS subcontractors to estimate any overpayment of income tax.
CIS Tax Rebate is due when a construction industry scheme (CIS) subcontractor overpays income tax due to the fact that his/her CIS tax deductions are made without taking into account their tax-free annual allowance.
As part of their Self Assessment tax return, CIS subcontractors can obtain a repayment of income tax overpaid.
HMRC will refund any overpaid tax where the CIS deductions were greater than the actual tax liability for the tax year ended 5th April.
NOTE: The CIS Rebate Calculator 2019-20 is provided for research purposes only and is not meant to be relied upon for any other purpose.
CANALITIX ACCOUNTANTS help CIS subcontractors to recover an average of £1,500 in overpaid income tax which is referred to as CIS tax rebate.
CIS rebates take approximately 2 weeks to recover after filing the subcontractor’s annual Self-Assessment tax return.
We do not charge an upfront fee for our CIS rebate service because we deduct our fees from the funds received from HMRC.
If you would to use our Self Assessment tax filing service please get in touch using the Contact US form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible